** I did find a sucker stick, small toy cow and a napkins stuck in my tree...hmmm wonder who put that there!
We had a Witch stop by and stir up a spell for lunch. It was a frightful delight. My little goon helped wrap the mummy, she shrieked with delight.
We swirled and whirled a brew so green (amazing how coolaid can do that thing) It was fresh worm juice.
Creepy crawly spiders joined us, but not for long they got gobbled up too!
This is Julie, we tried it, fun to make, really easy, smelled yummy, BUT, hard as a rock after cooling. I think my microwave is way more than 1000 Watts, will try an cook for half the time, because I cant give up on such an amazing idea and it worked for Amanda, maybe it is the crazy Kansas weather!